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Patient Story Videos - Portland, OR

Our Patients Tell
The Story Best

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Real Patients. Patient Stories

Josh's Story
Linda's Story
Bill's Story
Gilbert's Story

Our Patients Stories


Jame's Story

James was referred to us by another patient who had received some excellent restorative and cosmetic work by Dr. Ben. James was quite distraught and apprehensive when he initially presented at our office. He had some recent cosmetic work done and the outcome was not ideal to say the least.

James was concerned that his bite does not fit right, the porcelain are breaking and there are gaps and discolorations around the restorations. Dr. Ben first worked on getting James’ teeth to fit together the right way then replaced all the defective restorations with new and beautiful porcelains.


Tom's Story

Tom is a retired school principal and now owns a successful performing arts studio with his wife. He had considered about improving his smile for years but was never able to pull the trigger. Tom had some discoloration with chipped and worn front teeth that were detracting from his smile. We set about restoring Tom’s smile using the most minimally invasive porcelain veneers. What an amazing difference it has made to improve Tom’s smile. Today Tom’s big smile truly reflects his confidence and warmth.

“I recently had some dental veneer work done by Dr. Wang and his staff. I was reluctant to consider this procedure at first and Dr. Wang provided me with factual information and time to think it over. After some time to think about it and ask more questions, I decided to go ahead with the procedure and I am very happy with that decision.”

“The work done by Dr. Wang is absolutely beautiful. Friends and family members are extremely impressed with the change and I find myself smiling more and more each day. The care, concern and professionalism demonstrated by Dr. Wang and staff is exceptional and second to none.”


Mark's Story

Mark was concerned about the wear and discoloration on his front teeth. He feels that they are wearing unevenly and are getting shorter over the years.

A phase of orthodontic treatment was done by a local orthodontist to correct the alignment and the bite to address the teeth wear over time.

A set of porcelain veneers were then placed to restore the youthful look for Mark!


Gayle's Story

Gayle has been a patient of Dr. Ben for over 9 years. It was discovered during one of her routine cleaning visit that she does not smile with her teeth. When asked, she relayed that she has been self-conscious about her teeth her whole life because of the teeth crowding and overall discoloration.

As Dr. Ben had been working on replacing some of the structural compromised posterior teeth, it was a surprise to find out about Gayle’s real concern.

Addressing Gayle’s concern proves to be challenging as her crowding for the upper front teeth was caused by a missing lateral incisor congenitally. By carefully planning and preparing her existing teeth, we were able to achieve a great outcome without any orthodontic or surgical intervention.

The best part is Gayle cannot stop smiling with her beautiful teeth!